Occurrence ID (GUID):
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #:
Taxon:Huperzia x josephbeitellii A. Haines Family: Lycopodiaceae
Determiner: W.L. Testo (2017-10-00)
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Lee, Michael D. MDL2932
Date: 2001-06-12
Verbatim Date: 12 June 2001
United States, Minnesota, Lake, On the northeast side of Moose Lake 3 1/2 miles northwest of Cramer. T59N R6W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec. 30 [Superior National Forest]
47.562697 -91.137425 +-2037m.
in shrubby, cedar-alder wetland. Narrow wetland "finger" extending northwest from [lake] between upland ridges. In sunny openings amongst patchy, short Thuja occidentalis and Alnus incana. Lots of dead trees (snags), both standing and down. In Sphagnum sp. and other mosses on moist hummocks.
Associated Species:
Huperzia selago, Scirpus hudsonianus, Carex disperma, C. leptalea, Equisetum arvense, Trientalis borealis, and seedlings of Thuja occidentalis and Alnus incana.