Olga Lakela Herbarium, University of Minnesota Duluth
Catalog (Accession) #: 34128
Occurrence ID (GUID): 5a38ba8a-2418-4068-b868-97fa2a031063
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: DUL-V-22988
Taxon: Betula glandulifera (Regel) B.T. Butler
Family: Betulaceae
Collector: Dugle, J.R.   JDDD5225   
Date: 1969-09-14
Verbatim Date: 9/14/1969
Additional Collectors: D.L. Dugle
Locality: Canada, Manitoba, Parkland, Riding Mountain National Park
46.183299  6.163446 +-3572m.  9/14/1969
Georeference Remarks: Arve River, Rue de Carouge 95, 1205 Gen��ve, Switzerland. The error includes the entire river by this name.
Individual Count: 1
Specimen Images
Record Id: 5a38ba8a-2418-4068-b868-97fa2a031063
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Dr. Amanda Grusz (algrusz@d.umn.edu)