Catalog (Accession) #:
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Secondary Catalog (Accession) #:
Asclepias incarnata var. incarnata L.
Family: Apocynaceae
Lee, Michael MDL3498
Date: 2003-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Todd, Todd County...south of Mound Lake, 3.5 miles east of Grey Eagle...terrace half way up the north slope of 160-foot high Eagle Mountain...T127N R32W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of NW1/4 Sec. 11. 127N 32W 11
45.824416 -94.674872 +-800m. WGS84
Rugged forested moraine ... small (~1/2-acre) wetland basin on terrace ... sedge meadow dominated by Carex lacustris, C. utriculata, and Glyceria canadensis. Mostly in full sun (to partial shade of trees at the edge of the surrounding mesic hardwood forest.) Saturated shallow organic muck over sandy-loam. Additional associates include Scirpus cyperinus, Impatiens capensis, Sagittaria latifolia, Lycopus uniflorus, Galium tinctorium, Cicuta bulbifera, Scutellaria galericulata, Polygonum sagittatum, Rumex orbiculatus, Onoclea sensibilis, Salix petiolaris.
single sheet
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: eeffe99e-9b93-4fd6-a5ef-c180a37c2d94
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