United States, Minnesota, Big Stone Lake, Big Stone Lake State Park, Bonanza Area
45.4543 -96.7235 +-800m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T123N R48W S19
Along north end of trail paralleling Big Stone Lake.
On ground in moss at edge of woods under bur oak and prickly ash.
FIELD DESCRIPTION OF AGARICS & BOLETES Collection No.: DJM2115 Name: Tricholoma argyraceum (Bull.) Gill. Locality, Date: North end of trail paralleling Big Stone Lake, Big Stone Lake State Park, Bonanza Area, Big Stone Co., MN, 5 Oct. 2017 Habitat: In moss at edge of woods under bur oak and prickly ash. Habit: Gregarious to cespitose PILEUS: Shape Conical when young, irregularly convex, becoming convex to subumbonate. Breadth 3.3-4.3 cm Color Grayish Brown to dark grayish Brown on disc; paler toward margin, scales Black. Changes None Surface Dry, fibrillose-scaly, margin even, turned down and inward at first, later appendiculate. Flesh: Consistency Fragile toward margin. Thickness 1.5-3 mm Color Nearly White but pale light Brown toward margin. Odor Slight or none Changes None Taste Unpleasant, perhaps raphinoid HYMENOPHORE: Attachment Adnexed Length 3 mm Color Light brownish Gray Changes None Edges (Color & Shape) White, slightly wavy Spacing & pattern Crowded, separate Lamellulae Present; 2 sets, Inner ends tapering. STIPE: Shape Equal to slightly tapering downward. Size 3.2-3.5 X 0.6-0.8 cm; one fruitbody 6.5 X 0.9 cm Surface Fibrous to base; longitudinally fibrillose below; dry. Color White above, light grayish Brown to nearly White below, and light Brown near base. Changes None Flesh color White; becoming hollow. Flesh color changes None VEIL: Cortina possibly present based on fine White filaments on dried young fruitbody. SPORE DEPOSIT COLOR: Yellowish White (very pale print). N.B. Colors from K.L. Kelly and D.B. Judd, Color, Universal Language and Dictionary of Names,1976, supplemented with ISCC-NBS Centroid Color Charts
DJM 2115 Tricholoma argyraceum (Bull.) Gill. Microscopic analysis: Basidiospores from lamella (x1250, Congo red-KOH, x1250; Melzer’s reagent) inamyloid, oblong-elliptical, large oil droplet, 3.9 – 4.4 (-5.3) x (2.4-) 2.7 – 3.2 µm, ave. 4.5 x 2.8 µm (n = 10); basidia clavate, clampless, 4-spored, 20.4 - 25.7 x 5.1 – 5.8 µm (n=5); cheilocytidia absent; pileipellis (x520) brown-walled outer filaments in bundles with rounded apices on unclamped cells, 7.2 µm wide, overlying parallel, pale brown to hyaline hyphae, 6 – 9.6 µm wide.