Occurrence ID (GUID):
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #:
Taxon:Packera paupercula (Michaux) Á. Løve & D. Løve Family: Asteraceae
Determiner: Alison Mahoney & Sarah Soderholm (2015-00-00)
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Lee, Michael D. MDL4241
Date: 1986-06-15
United States, Minnesota, Becker, Mud Lake (east of Boot Lake) 2.5 miles northwest of Two Inlets; eastern shore. T142N R36W SW1/4 of NW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec. 33. UTM: 5216083N 328986E
On the shores; on steep, 30- to 40-foot, west-facing slope of a narrow esker which forms the eastern shore of the lake here. Sandy soil. Full sun to partial shade of Pinus banksiana, Populus tremuloides, Prunus pensylvanica, Corylus cornuta, and Amelanchier sp., in area pruned by beavers.