MIN : Plants
Bell Museum plants
Catalog (Accession) #: 959442
Occurrence ID (GUID): 658202b6-9526-4676-961f-84c5c6a41522
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: 1311273
Taxon: Gratiola neglecta Torrey
Family: Plantaginaceae
Collector: Lynden B. Gerdes   7285   
Date: 2015-07-20
Verbatim Date: 20-Jul-15
Locality: United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Koochiching State Forest. Approximately 4.43 miles WSW of Ericsburg, MN and 0.21 miles east of Cty. Rd 97. Just west of the Rat Root River adjacent to snowmobile trail.
48.475  -93.42444444
Verbatim Coordinates: NAD 83 / 468622 / 5369188; T69N R24W S16NWNE
Habitat: Upland edge of wetland depression with Fraxinus nigra, Tilia americana, Acer saccharinum, Quercus macrocarpa, Mentha arvensis, Potentilla norvegica, Cicuta maculata, Mimulus ringens, Penthorum sedoides, Beckmannia syzigachne, etc.
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: 658202b6-9526-4676-961f-84c5c6a41522
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Dr. George Weiblen (museum-herbarium@umn.edu)
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