MIN : Fungi
Bell Museum fungi
Catalog (Accession) #: 960808
Occurrence ID (GUID): df2debf3-3c11-4be9-a924-b462a9c0e065
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: 1301127
Taxon: Polyporus alveolaris (DC.) Bondartsev & Singer
Family: Polyporaceae
Determiner: T. Pieper (2019-04-07)
Collector: Pieper, Tyler R.   TRP 0052   
Date: 2019-04-07
Locality: United States, Minnesota, Meeker, Darwin, Greenleaf State Recreation Area, Ellsworth Township
45.005663  -94.473543
Substrate: fruiting in groups of one and two on twigs of fallen branches
Description: Pileus 20 - 60 mm; shallowly incurved; slightly bumpy surface, but otherwise smooth; appearance of perforated edges or projections on margin of cap; white or old white possibly from age and elements. Stipe small, lateral, nub-like; flesh very tough (not good for chewing!); white; spore print white;
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: df2debf3-3c11-4be9-a924-b462a9c0e065
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: collections manager Timothy Whitfeld (museum-herbarium@umn.edu)
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