Plant records from the New Guinea Binatang Research Center
Catalog (Accession) #: YP1A0049
Occurrence ID (GUID): fde1e6f5-194c-423b-9b54-da8e7736011f
Taxon: Benstonea adinobotrys (Merr. & L.M.Perry) Callm. & Buerki
Family: Pandanaceae
Determiner: Z. Ezedin (10 Jul 2021)
Show Determination History
Collector: Binatang Research Center   YP1A0049   
Date: 2021-07-10
Verbatim Date: 16 Sep 2010
Locality: Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province, Yawan
-6.162617  146.841967
Elevation: 1777 meters (5829ft)
Habitat: Primary montane rainforest
Description: pandanus, to 6.07 m in height, DBH 8.3 cm, trunk height to foliage 2.62 m, crown height 3.45 m, crown width 2.86 m; foliage 2 kg mature wet mass; outer bark with lenticels; fissures broad; bark brown, light brown; cambium brown; wood light brown, white; exudate absent; DNA preserved in silica, from felled plot. Local name: umong Local use: split stems used for fencing, flooring, house posts, and fireplaces; leaves used for roofing and weaving; roots used in tying grass skirts
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Record Id: fde1e6f5-194c-423b-9b54-da8e7736011f
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