Plant records from the New Guinea Binatang Research Center
Catalog (Accession) #: YP3A2307
Occurrence ID (GUID): 42f698a0-5a4b-4954-b524-b1e6dfab14c0
Taxon: Elatostema beccarii H.Schroet.
Family: Urticaceae
Determiner: M. Lovave (17 Aug 2011)
Collector: Binatang Research Center   YP3A2307   
Date: 2011-08-17
Verbatim Date: 20 Oct 2010
Locality: Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province, Yawan
-6.162617  146.841967
Elevation: 1777 meters (5829ft)
Habitat: Primary montane rainforest
Description: shrub, from felled plot. Local name: yongot Local use: leaves used to cover bamboo water containers; sap applied to heal the sores of dogs
Specimen Images
Record Id: 42f698a0-5a4b-4954-b524-b1e6dfab14c0
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