MIN : Fungi
Bell Museum fungi
Catalog (Accession) #: 971915
Occurrence ID (GUID): a5ff8e9a-4472-4b16-a880-e302ad6548f1
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: 1396476
Taxon: Russula olivacea
Family: Russulaceae
Determiner: Anna Gerenday (1991-Jul-13)
Collector: Fahrendorf, Linda   AG 517   
Date: 1991-07-13
Verbatim Date: 13 Jul 1991
Locality: United States, Minnesota, Washington, Afton State Park
Habitat: deciduous woodland dominated by oak;
Substrate: on ground under oak;
Associated Species: Quercus magnicarpus, Rhamus cathartica
Description: Cap purple, 17 v. d. Red, 16 d. Red; peeling to ¾; olive stains in center of one specimen; 100, 120 mm broad; margin sulcate, taste mild, odor fruity; Gill color ochre, consistency brittle; Stipe 80 mm long, 30 mm thick; color pink, 4 l Pink; PCY present, segmented, macrocystidia present; Spores ornamented, +/- isolated; Spore print salmon, spores 8-9(-9.5) X 7.5-8, N=5; ferrous sulfate: strong salmon pink; SV- on dried material; Under bur oak in deciduous woodland. (Cap and stipe colors from ISCC-NBS Color-Names Charts)
Dynamic Properties: Phylum: BASIDIOMYCOTA, Desc: Y, Photo: N, Spore Print: Y, Seq: N, Seq: N;
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: a5ff8e9a-4472-4b16-a880-e302ad6548f1
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: collections manager Timothy Whitfeld (museum-herbarium@umn.edu)
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