CONCOL : Plant
Elsie Welter Natural History Museum of Concordia College
Catalog (Accession) #: CONC001759
Occurrence ID (GUID): a5b1cee6-119f-4e09-9b45-4efab6298d9c
Taxon: Betula pumila L.
Family: Betulaceae
Collector: CBK      
Date: 1979-05-18
Verbatim Date: 18-May-1979
Locality: United States, Minnesota, Polk, Pembina Trail Preserve, TNC Preserve in Sec 30 & 31 T149N R44W & Sec 36 T149N R45W
Habitat: willow thicket
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Concordia College
Record Id: a5b1cee6-119f-4e09-9b45-4efab6298d9c
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Joseph Whittaker (
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