MIN : Bryophytes
Bell Museum bryophytes
Catalog (Accession) #: 744233
Occurrence ID (GUID): 86e33be0-c020-41c5-8a84-16f39a5b2502
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: 1142366
Taxon: Mnium hornum Hedw.
Family: Mniaceae
Collector: Brassard, Guy R.   124   
Date: 1982-06-29
Verbatim Date: 29 June 1982
Locality: Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Avalon Peninsula, Stiles Cove, N of Torbay
47.733333  -52.716667
Verbatim Coordinates: 47-44'N 52-43'W
Habitat: near small shaded stream
Substrate: on humus
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: 86e33be0-c020-41c5-8a84-16f39a5b2502
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Timothy Whitfeld, collections manager (museum-herbarium@umn.edu)