Catalog (Accession) #:
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Secondary Catalog (Accession) #:
Asclepias tuberosa subsp. interior L.
Family: Apocynaceae
Myhre, K. 4400
Date: 1993-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Located 6 mi NE of the town of Bruno; between roadside and bog-surrounded lake; T44N R17W SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec Pine Co. Located 6 mi NE of the town of Bruno; between roadside and bog-surrounded lake; T44N R17W SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 7.. 044N 17W 7
46.309418 -92.541551 +-800m. WGS84
Plants occur in the moist border between roadside and bog-surrounded lake. Assoc. with Eupatorium maculatum, Salix serissima, Chamaedaphne calyculata var. angustifolia, Ledum groenlandicum, etc.
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: 3a586ece-05a8-4722-ba6f-9079dce2931c
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