Catalog (Accession) #:
Occurrence ID (GUID):
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #:
Festuca subverticillata (Persoon) E.B. Alexeev
Family: Poaceae
Determiner: Lee, Michael (06/Jun/2016)
Lee, Michael MDL7426
Date: 2016-06-06
Verbatim Date: 6 June 2016
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Good Earth Village, on the edge of Wykoff Balsam Fir SNA. Rugged terrain along Spring Valley Creek, 1.5 miles northwest of Wykoff.
43.71564493 -92.29559667
Verbatim Coordinates:
4840532N 556744E; T103N R12W sec20
329 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
1080 feet
Local on the valley floor near the base of an east-facing bluff. Loose colonies in a mesic hardwood forest. Canopy locally Acer nigrum and Juglans nigra. Understory of Ostrya virginiana, Fraxinus nigra, and Ulmus americana. Deep silt. Level bottomland terrace setting, in a spot ~100 feet from the foundation of an old building. Multiple stems per plant.
Associated Species:
Associates include Carex grisea, C. jamesii, Dentaria laciniata, Lithospermum latifolium, Hydrophyllum virginianum, Isopyrum biternatum, Galium aparine, Viola sororia, Alliaria petiolata, Lonicera xbella, Ribes missouriense.
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: 039b5d50-8a5a-4126-96b1-39752349eb5c
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