Catalog (Accession) #:
Occurrence ID (GUID):
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #:
Poa nemoralis L.
Family: Poaceae
Determiner: Lee, Michael (28/Sep/2015)
Lee, Michael MDL7218
Date: 2015-09-28
Verbatim Date: 28 September 2015
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Camp Ripley National Guard Reservation. Along the Mississippi River eight miles north of downtown Little Falls.
46.0975219437 -94.3409895435
Verbatim Coordinates:
5105757N 396347E; T130N R29W sec4
346 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
1135 feet
Occasional on a very steep, north-facing slope of the 30-foot high terrace that forms the riverbank here. Narrow strip of mesic woodland dominated by Tilia americana and Quercus macrocarpa. Understory includes Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Ulmus americana. Full shade to partial sun. Fine sand with a loamy-sand cap. Often in thin moss carpets. Stems with a subtle bluish hue.
Associated Species:
Additional associates include Cystopteris fragilis, Ranunculus abortivus, Galium boreale, Aquilegia canadensis, Achillea millefolium, Carex pensylvanica, C. sprengelii, Poa nemoralis, Symphoricarpos albus, Prunus virginiana.
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: 9f0ec9ef-ddd3-4c32-a9d4-3d82a0c70084
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