MIN : Plants
Bell Museum plants
Catalog (Accession) #: 980836
Occurrence ID (GUID): caa0bbf1-e387-4d10-b2c7-9a68f1bdb178
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: 1405752
Taxon: Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Determiner: Lee, Michael (14/Sep/2015)
Collector: Lee, Michael   MDL7166   
Date: 2015-09-14
Verbatim Date: 14 September 2015
Locality: United States, Minnesota, Todd, Broad inter-drumlin wetland on a rolling drumlin plain, three miles west-northwest of Philbrook, four miles south of Staples.
46.2959116218  -94.7748717391
Verbatim Coordinates: 5128457N 363303E; T133N R32W sec31
Elevation: 383 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 1255 feet
Habitat: Local in wet aspen forest, on a subtle rise in a large wet meadow - willow swamp complex. Patchy canopy dominated by Populus tremuloides, with P. balsamifera locally. Partial sun. Moist sand with a sandy-organic cap. Several dozen stems in a loose copse, these up to 8 feet tall and 1.5 inches D.B.H., and loaded with red berries.
Associated Species: Additional associates include Poa palustris, Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex lacustris, C. gracillima, Fragaria virginiana, Equisetum arvense, Rubus pubescens, Gentiana andrewsii, Aster firmus, Salix bebbiana, Cornus stolonifera, Toxicodendron rydbergii.
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: caa0bbf1-e387-4d10-b2c7-9a68f1bdb178
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Dr. George Weiblen (museum-herbarium@umn.edu)
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