Georeference Remarks:
Used Earth Point and Google Earth
in mixed woods
On humus
Associated Species:
mostly white, red & jack pines, oak, basswood, aspen & white birch.
MIN 794257 (Topotype of Fuscoboletinus weaverae A.H. Sm. & Shaffer); Suillus cf. brevipes (Peck) Kuntze; not Suillus weaverae (A.H. Sm. & Shaffer) H. Engel & Klofac. This collection, MIN 794247, is part of the same collection as MICH 62083. Neither Kretzer’s ITS sequence of MIN 794247 (GenBank Accession L54091.1) nor my ITS sequence of MICH 62083 (GenBank MH818408.1) matches the ITS sequence of the holotype of Suillus (Fuscoboletinus) weaverae, collection MICH 10563 (GenBank Accession NR_182339.1.). Rather both ITS sequences of MGW 1992 match most closely to sequences attributed to Suillus brevipes. As I could not find an ITS sequence of the holotype of Suillus brevipes, I have conservatively annotated MGW 1992 as Suillus cf. brevipes. Note: This annotation label was prepared without examining the physical specimen of MIN 794257; 9th April 2024 H. Van T. Cotter, Duke University, Mycology Lab & Herbarium