MIN : Algae
Bell Museum algae
Catalog (Accession) #: 393774
Occurrence ID (GUID): f8fd3a8f-d3bd-448f-84f8-f4fa549fc41d
Secondary Catalog (Accession) #: 1293453
Taxon: Rhodophyllis laingii A.D. Cotton
Family: Cystocloniaceae
Collector: Lindauer, Victor W.   319   
Date: 1948-08-30
Locality: New Zealand, Northland Region, Russell. Long Beach.
-35.266667  174.116667 +-3036m.
Habitat: Wrack.
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Record Id: f8fd3a8f-d3bd-448f-84f8-f4fa549fc41d
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Timothy Whitfeld (museum-herbarium@umn.edu)