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Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas

University of Minnesota Herbarium acquisitions pending accessioning (UMN-MIN)

These are placeholder records of Minnesota Biological Survey specimens that have been deposited with the Herbarium but are not yet mounted and accessioned. Once the specimens are accessioned, the records will be deleted from this observation collection and added to the MIN-Plants specimens collection.
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 431b07d9-b7b2-4d40-a75a-a7a842b51ee7
Live Data Download: Login for access
Digital Metadata: EML File
Collection Statistics
  • 3,077 specimen records
  • 3,077 (100%) georeferenced
  • 139 families
  • 431 genera
  • 976 species
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that family
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