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Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas

Kryptogamae Germaniae, Austriae et Helvetiae exsiccatae [Flechten], E.F.A. Walter Migula [1-350]
fungi/lichens; this series contains 1550 numbers of algae, bryophytes, lichens and fungi; the fascicles are continuously numbered, but the specimen numbers begin with 1 for each class of plants; each fascicle consists of 25 specimens of one group of organisms [Lichens in Fasc. 5 No. 1-25; Fasc. 9 No. 26-50; Fasc. 15 No. 51-75; Fasc. 18 No.76-100; Fasc. 25 No. 101-125; Fasc. 35 No. 126-150; Fasc. 45 No. 151-175; Fasc. 47-48 No. 176-225; Fasc. 53-54 No. 226-275; Fasc. 60-62 No. 276-350]

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