Dataset: MIN-Plants
Search Criteria: Costa Rica; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences
Page 3, records 201-300 of 395
497584[1330928] Kernan, C. 982 1989-03-21
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, National Park Corcovado Sirena, Ollas Trail, 8.466667 -83.583333, 1 - 20m
928790[1330934] Taylor, C.M. 9790 1989-12-28
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, canton de La Cruz, 11.016667 -85.416667, 350 - 450m
919902[1332184] Gentry, Al 71444 1990-07-10
Costa Rica, Bagaces, Paloverde, OTS Field Station, 8 kilometers west of Bagaces, 10.533333 -85.3, 100m
535299[1332231] 2966
Costa Rica, 1585m
944034[1332266] Chacon, I. 21169 1984-04-19
Costa Rica, 700m
921273[1332267] Aguilar, Reinaldo 159 1991-06-16
Costa Rica, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Estación Magsassy. Sarapiquí. [[Braulio Carrillo National Park Magsassy Station. Sarapiquí.]], 10.402778 -84.058333, 150m
482275[1332268] Stevens, W.D. 24990 1987-03-17
Costa Rica, Cerro Coronel, along ridge from E of Laguna Danto SE towards hills E of Rio Zapote, 10.683333 -83.65, 170m
506447[1332269] Herrera, Gerardo 3042 1989-06-28
Costa Rica, Limon: Canton de Talamanca Ambri. Margen derecho del Rio Lari. Lomas aledañas a Cachabri, 9.494444 -82.994444, 100 - 200m
497585[1332270] Chacón, Abelardo 299 1989-07-26
Costa Rica, Internac Park; The Amisted Row Tsiurabeta, between Boca Uren and Rio Lari., 9.552496 -82.947286, 800m
943980[1332276] Aguilar, Reinaldo 256 1991-08-10
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, REserva Forestal Golfo Dulce Aguabuena, Rincon de Osa, 8.705556 -83.525, 50 - 150m
455402[1332284] Herrera, Gerardo 3343 1989-07-25
Costa Rica, Conton de Talamanca, Bratsi, Camino entre Quebrada Chaho y Crorina, 9.347222 -82.983333, 700m
944779[1332287] Herrera, Gerardo 1288 1987-11-15
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Upala; Cabeceras del Río Celeste., 10.898552 -85.016154
498011[1332290] Hammel, Barry 18103 1991-02-14
Costa Rica, Limon, Cantón de Talamanca, Cocles Indigenous Reserve; South of the road between Esperanza and Puerto Viejo., 9.654015 -82.754941, 50 - 150m
506449[1332304] Chacón, Abelardo 251 1989-07-20
Costa Rica, Limón, Parque Internac. La Amistad Quebrada Croci, Croriña. [[International Park. La Amistad Quebrada Crori, Croriña.]], 9.420833 -82.983333, 600m
728813[1332309] Herrera, Gerardo 46 1986-11-17
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Miguel Oeste, Naranjo; falda sureste del Cerro Espíritu Santo, finca de Napoleón Pérez. [[San Miguel Oeste, Naranjo; Southeastern skirt of Cerro Espíritu Santo, Napoleón Pérez farm.]], 10.402778 -84.058333, 1000 - 1400m
926091[1332512] Herrera, Gerardo 1 1986-09-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Lomas de Cerro Esquivel, 10.048611 -84.605556, 300 - 500m
944821[1332560] Herrera, Gerardo 736 1887-08-17
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, 10.8 -85.316667, 750 - 850m
506494[1332561] Herrera, Gerardo 4061 1990-07-26
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Cantón de Oso Rancho Quemado, 8.677819 -83.561791
919886[1332564] Herrera, Gerardo 4882 1991-01-27
Costa Rica, Osa, Sierpe; Costa Rica; fila Casaloma, between the entry of San Juan and the detour to Rancho Quemado., 9.959738 -84.081653, 500m
944038[1332566] Gomez, L.D. 23879 1985-11-02
Costa Rica
426705[1332592] Haber, William 10525 1991-02-16
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Monteverde. Road from Inter American Highway to Monteverde near village of Guacimal., 10.274968 -84.82551, 300 - 400m
535305[1332598] 2800
Costa Rica, 61m
939374[1332707] Herrera, Gerardo 2089 1988-07-14
Costa Rica, Alajuela
939376[1332709] Haber, William A. 964 1984-11-16
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Below Monteverde, Pacific slope, Río Guacimal valley., 10.274968 -84.82551, 900m
506524[1332718] Taylor, C.M. 9818 1989-12-30
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Guanacaste National Park; Ascending the NNE slopes of Volcán Orosi from park station Pitilla along trail., 10.5 -85.25, 450m
939369[1332734] Liesner, Ronald 14929 1983-04-25
Costa Rica, Alajeula, 12 km NNW of San Ramon by road on way to San Lorenzo, 1 km S of Balsa, 10.166667 -84.483333, 1100m
939373[1332735] Herrera, Gerardo 4396 1990-09-27
Costa Rica, Osa
939377[1332745] Haber, William A. 2799 1985-09-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde, upper community, 10.274968 -84.82551, 1550m
943965[1332746] Herrera, Gerardo 3989 1990-07-20
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Corcovado Cerro Brujo National Park, 8.648058 -83.595617, 400m
943964[1332749] Haber, William A. 1597 1985-06-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde Reserve., 10.274968 -84.82551, 1500m
927908[1332803] Herrera, Gerardo 4587 1990-11-07
Costa Rica, Punta Arenas: Cantón de Osa Sierpe, San Juan [[Punta Arenas: Canton of Osa Sierpe, San Juan]], 8.730556 -83.536111, 200m
911901[1332988] Herrera, Gerardo 4936 1991-02-21
Costa Rica, San Ramón Los Angeles, Colonia Palmareña; Middle Basin of San Lorenzo River, road to the Los Perdidos mine., 10.247314 -84.564547, 1000m
960973[1326874] Angulo, Luis 480 1995-08-10
Costa Rica, Osa Peninsula. Cerra de Oro, Albergue Unioro. Puntarenas; R.F. Golfo Dulce; Sendero casa de Efrain Corrales, 8.655556 -83.441667, 200m
960974[1326882] Rivera, Gerardo 1995-06-22
Costa Rica, Turrialba. Reventazon valley. Pradera farm, Jicotea, 1000m
535197[1332999] 1217
Costa Rica, 1 mi. SE. of Cartago., 9.862823 -83.917596, 1433m
535381[1335009] 1701
Costa Rica, Hills near Navarro valley., 9.808752 -83.877565, 1829m
926093[1336881] Haber, William 9151 1989-03-19
Costa Rica, Alajuela: Reserva Biologica Monteverde Valle del Rio Penas Blancas, 10.3 -84.766667, 900m
483922[1338153] Herrera, Gerardo 6098 1993-03-29
Costa Rica, Limon: Canton de Talamanca P.N. Cordillera de Talamanca, 1 Km aguas abajo union Queb. Kirigu/Rio Coen. Entre Ujarras y San Jose Cabecar., 9.388889 -83.213889, 1550m
928808[1338209] Chacon, Isidro 2420 1989-02-27
Costa Rica, Guanacaste: Parque Nacional Guanacaste Volcan Cacao, Estacion Mengo, 10.930556 -85.469444, 1100m
535220[1337600] 1117
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cartago, 1661m
701923[1338670] Taylor, John 1975-01-05
Costa Rica, along Rio Zapote about 1 km from Zapote, 10.75 -85.083333
925586[1338971] Herrera, Gerardo 1989-10-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires canton, Ujarras, 9.369444 -83.3, 2800m
701921[1339001] Taylor, John 1974-12-26
Costa Rica, slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Para Blanco, 1600m
701917[1339002] Taylor, John 1974-12-27
Costa Rica, near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km, NE of Heredia
701928[1339003] Taylor, John 1974-12-27
Costa Rica, near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km. NE of Heredia
701944[1339004] Taylor, John 1974-12-27
Costa Rica, near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km. NE of Heredia
405848[1339021] Knight, Wm. 1958-02-06
Costa Rica, Pacayao
635524[1339569] Taylor, John 11721 1972-08-08
Costa Rica, San Jose, Cerro de la Muerta, Talamanca Range, 3400m
601935[1341588] Lent, Roy W. 1965-08-15
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba Volcano, 9.906384 -83.680715, 3150m
601934[1341592] Lent, Roy W. 1965-08-15
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba Volcano, 9.906384 -83.680715, 3150m
701901[1341602] Taylor, John 1974-12-27
Costa Rica, Heredia, near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km NE of Heredia, 10.076659 -84.055449
911959[1341607] Herrera, Gerardo 3720 1989-10-14
Costa Rica, Limon, Talamanca; Sabanas de Durika. Between the Rio Kuk and Cerro Karo, 9.436111 -83.319444, 2450m
602023[1341609] Lent, Roy W. 712 1965-08-15
Costa Rica, Cartago, 1.5 km above "Lecharia Central" on Turrialba Volcano, 9.906384 -83.680715, 2750m
602024[1341621] Lent, Roy W. 708 1965-08-14
Costa Rica, Cartago, Along road up Turrialba Volcano. 2.4 km above Trinidad, 9.988352 -83.75, 1850m
55006[1341632] Holway, E.W.D. s.n. 1915-01-20
Costa Rica, Cartago, 9.864444 -83.91944
55005[1341633] Holway, E.W.D. s.n. 1915-01-20
Costa Rica, Cartago, 9.864444 -83.91944
701892[1341979] Taylor, John 18044 1975-01-04
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, along Rio Corobici abouit 4 km NW of Canas, 10.454951 -85.119098, 80m
506553[1342072] Herrera, Gerardo 3873 1990-05-02
Costa Rica, Upala, Alajuela, 10 km N of Santa Cecilia-Upala. Rio Pizote, 9.707668 -84.04438, 30m
Costa Rica, San Jose
Costa Rica
701719[1342592] Taylor, John 17754 1974-12-29
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Balsa de San Ramon, 10.171757 -84.503684, 900m
937345[1342593] Herrera, Gerardo 5065 1992-02-25
Costa Rica, Limon, Canton de Talamanca. Bratsi, Amubri, Alto Lari., 9.52222 -82.95248, 300m
689144[1350080] Grayum, Michael H. 3729 1984-08-10
Costa Rica, Cartago, Between Quebrda Casa Blanca and road to Transito, Tapanti., 9.768421 -83.800367, 1400m
936584[1350081] Haber, William A. 3909 1985-12-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde, upper community pastures and and forest patches., 10.30264 -84.79569, 1500m
701869[1350099] Taylor, John 17423 1974-12-22
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 6.4 Km. East of Santo Domingo., 10.06388 -84.096257, 1260m
701880[1350100] Taylor, John 17712 1974-12-27
Costa Rica, Heredia, Near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km. Northeast of Heredia., 10.076659 -84.055449, 2000m
701881[1350101] Taylor, John 17338 1974-12-20
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 1 km. South of Santo Domingo., 10.05485 -84.154987, 1100m
701883[1350102] Taylor, John 18150 1975-01-05
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Collected along the Rio Zapote about 1 kilometer from the small town of Zapote, 10.75 -85.083333
701895[1350103] Taylor, John 17421 1974-12-22
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 6.4 Km. East of Santo Domingo., 10.06388 -84.096257, 1260m
936587[1350129] Hammel, Barry 18218 1991-06-23
Costa Rica, Cartago, 1300m
493248[1350141] Chacón, Abelardo 1003 1990-08-30
Costa Rica, Golfito, Puntarenas; Carbonera Forest; La Jilva farm., 9.976149 -84.838754
492282[1350143] Herrera, Gerardo 4301 1990-09-16
Costa Rica, Golfito, Jiménez, lower basin of of the Piro River., 10.209318 -83.741344
491047[1350155] Herrera, Gerardo 3474 1989-09-17
Costa Rica, Buenos Aires, Ujarrás, 4 Km. upstream over Ceibo River., 9.24937 -83.295232, 800m
961943[1350157] Davidse, Gerrit 24816 1983-09-16
Costa Rica, San Jose-Cartago, Cordillera de Talamanca, Cerros Cuerici. Parque Nacional Chirripó, continental divide., 9.5 -83.666, 3200m
701808[1350230] Taylor, John 17900 1974-12-31
Costa Rica, San Jose, Just above the Rio Hondura at Baja La Hondura., 10.14685 -83.947605, 1150m
929779[1350239] Haber, William 9127 1989-03-13
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Reserva Biológica Monteverde Sendero Brillante, división continental., 10.30264 -84.79569, 1500m
701871[1350244] Taylor, John 17695 1974-12-27
Costa Rica, Heredia, Near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km. Northeast of Heredia., 10.076659 -84.055449, 2000m
919908[1350245] Liesner, Ronald 15161
Costa Rica, Alajuela, 15 km WNW of Quesada by air 1 km W of Jabillos., 10.379922 -84.548736, 150 - 200m
919910[1350246] Liesner, Ronald 15327 1983-05-09
Costa Rica, Cartago, CATIE, 3 km E of Turrialba "Los Espaveles" nature trail., 9.899999 -83.655784, 525 - 600m
535364[1350247] 3036
Costa Rica, San Isidro de El General., 9.366023 -83.69612, 762m
478602[1350255] Chacón, Abelardo 1092 1990-10-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa Rincón, Basin superior de la Quebrada El Campo., 9.134775 -83.718536, 200m
938355[1350261] Herrera, Gerardo 630 1987-08-05
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Following the canal from the Hacienda Santa María to Quebrada Provisión., 10.76437 -85.302899, 800 - 850m
911719[1350263] Zumbado 53 1990-06-03
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste Estación Cacao. [[Guanacaste National Park Cacao Station.]], 10.929167 -85.470833, 1100m
926378[1350269] Carvajal, Alonso 296
Costa Rica, San Jose, Las Musas, San Pedro to San Ramón. Alajuela., 9.930256 -84.050515, 800m
514868[1350272] Herrera, Gerardo 875 1987-10-15
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Hacienda Santa Maria. By the hydroelectricity plant following the canal until the crossroads of the Quebrada Provisión., 10.76437 -85.302899, 800 - 900m
900958[1350280] Liesner, Ronald 2216 1974-02-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Near Rincon de Osa., 8.69411 -83.50625, 0 - 100m
460686[1350281] Wilbur, R.L. 38516 1986-02-12
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just E of its junction with the Río Sarapiquí. By the suspension bridge over the Rio Puerto Viejo., 10.454908 -84.006775, 100m
701885[1350283] Taylor, John 18031 1975-01-01
Costa Rica, Cartago, Along the Rio Atirro about 2 Km. east of La Esperanza., 9.877314 -83.893175, 850m
440394[1350294] Herrera, Gerardo 669 1987-08-09
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Hacienda Santa Maria. 1 km. starting from the Hydro Electric plant., 10.76437 -85.302899
701898[1350299] Taylor, John 17644 1974-12-26
Costa Rica, Heredia, Collected along the slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Para Blanco., 10.021252 -84.012122, 1600m
535365[1350305] 3231
Costa Rica, Rio Turrialba., 9.906384 -83.680715, 640m
427574[1350319] Herrera, Gerardo 1414 1987-11-26
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Pincón de La Vieja. Liberia. Del Mirador siguiendo la Fila al Volcán Santa María. [[Pincón de La Vieja Park. Liberia. From the Mirador following the Row to the Santa María Volcano., 10.766667 -85.816667, 1100 - 1300m
919914[1350321] Liesner, Ronald 15431 1983-05-10
Costa Rica, Cartago, 13 km. E of Turrialba on the hwy to Limón. Canyon of Río Chitaría., 9.899979 -83.564063, 750 - 800m
453359[1350331] Robles, Rafael 2217 1988-12-05
Costa Rica, Lomas de Sierpe. 5 Km North East of La Aurora, Guápiles. Limite Sur Parque Nacional Tortuguero, together to the Rio Sierpe., 10.55954 -83.513363
427572[1350332] Robles, Rafael 2041 1988-08-14
Costa Rica, Limón, La Aurora, Guácimo. Ca. 5 km East of the town; on the Sierpe River, in front of the post of the P.N. Tortuguero. [[Ca. 5 km East of the town; on the Sierpe River, in front of the post of the P.N. Tortuguero., 10.542664 -83.506796, 100m
938345[1350333] Kernan, C. 34 1988-01-31
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado. Sirena. Ollas Trail., 8.540835 -83.570964
432372[1350337] Grayum, Michael 10558 1993-04-06
Costa Rica, San Jose: Canton de Turrubares. Z.P. Turrubares; Cuenca del Rio Grande de Tarcoles; SW spur of Cerro Turrubares; ridge bet. N and S forks of Rio Carara., 9.783333 -84.483333, 850 - 1100m
440368[1350340] Herrera, Gerardo 738 1987-08-17
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Hacienda Santa María. By the Hydroelectricity plant. 0.5 km around the canal going up the west in the first "bridge" of said canal., 10.76437 -85.302899, 750 - 800m
492280[1350341] Herrera, Gerardo 4268 1990-07-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Cantón de Osa Rancho Quemado, Rincón. Río Riyito, 8.6875 -83.563889, 150m
911838[1350346] Aguilar, Reinaldo 869 1992-01-26
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Refugio Vida Silv. Golfito 3 km north of the airport., 8.65387 -83.18193, 200m
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