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Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas

Dataset: MIN-Lichens
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; South Dakota; McCook; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-57 of 57

Bell Museum lichens

Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb
888801[]Wetmore, C.   931642005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb
888802[]Wetmore, C.   931612005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

888803[]Wetmore, C.   931602005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Xanthomendoza fallax (Arnold) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888804[]Wetmore, C.   931582005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

888805[]Wetmore, C.   931572005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Phaeophyscia nigricans (Flörke) Moberg
888806[]Wetmore, C.   931562005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Xanthomendoza fulva (Hoffm.) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888807[]Wetmore, C.   931552005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Caloplaca cerina (Hedw.) Th. Fr.
888808[]Wetmore, C.   931542005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold
888809[]Wetmore, C.   931532005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

888810[]Wetmore, C.   931522005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

888811[]Wetmore, C.   931512005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

888812[]Wetmore, C.   931502005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) A.E. Wade
888813[]Wetmore, C.   931492005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 21 Mi Nw of Sioux Falls S of I 90, 43.65916667 -97.19222222

Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) A.E. Wade
888814[]Wetmore, C.   931472005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

888815[]Wetmore, C.   931462005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

888816[]Wetmore, C.   931452005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) A.E. Wade
888817[]Wetmore, C.   931442005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) A.E. Wade
888818[]Wetmore, C.   931432005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Xanthomendoza fallax (Arnold) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888819[]Wetmore, C.   931412005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) A.E. Wade
888820[]Wetmore, C.   931402005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Caloplaca citrina (Hoffm.) Th. Fr.
888821[]Wetmore, C.   931392005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Xanthomendoza fallax (Arnold) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888822[]Wetmore, C.   931382005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Phaeophyscia nigricans (Flörke) Moberg
888823[]Wetmore, C.   931372005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold
888824[]Wetmore, C.   931362005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

Dimelaena oreina (Ach.) Norman
888825[]Wetmore, C.   931352005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

888826[]Wetmore, C.   931342005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

888827[]Wetmore, C.   931332005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

888828[]Wetmore, C.   931322005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Along Lake 19 Mi W of Sioux Falls; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.60111111 -97.16583333

888829[]Wetmore, C.   931312005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Below Spillway; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.58694444 -97.17222222

888830[]Wetmore, C.   931302005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Below Spillway; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.58694444 -97.17222222

Xanthomendoza fulva (Hoffm.) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888831[]Wetmore, C.   931292005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Below Spillway; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.58694444 -97.17222222

Hyperphyscia adglutinata (Flörke) H. Mayrhofer & Poelt
888832[]Wetmore, C.   931282005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Below Spillway; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.58694444 -97.17222222

888833[]Wetmore, C.   931272005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Below Spillway; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.58694444 -97.17222222

Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheid.
888834[]Wetmore, C.   931262005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Below Spillway; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.58694444 -97.17222222

Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb
888835[]Wetmore, C.   931252005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold
888836[]Wetmore, C.   931242005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

888837[]Wetmore, C.   931232005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Xanthomendoza fallax (Arnold) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888838[]Wetmore, C.   931222005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheid.
888839[]Wetmore, C.   931212005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Candelaria fibrosa (Fr.) Müll. Arg.
888840[]Wetmore, C.   931202005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

888841[]Wetmore, C.   931192005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

888842[]Wetmore, C.   931172005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb
888843[]Wetmore, C.   931162005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Xanthomendoza fallax (Arnold) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888844[]Wetmore, C.   931152005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

888845[]Wetmore, C.   931142005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Phaeophyscia nigricans (Flörke) Moberg
888846[]Wetmore, C.   931132005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Arthonia caesia (Flot.) Körb.
888847[]Wetmore, C.   931122005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

888848[]Wetmore, C.   931112005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Xanthomendoza hasseana (Räsänen) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
888849[]Wetmore, C.   931102005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier
888850[]Wetmore, C.   931092005-07-05
United States, South Dakota, McCook, West Side of Lake; Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area, 43.595 -97.18111111

0970340[1373113]M. K. Advaita   1232008-05-28
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 43.6395 -97.159833

Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Stein
970337[1373110]M. K. Advaita   1212008-05-28
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 43.6395 -97.159833, 448m

970325[1373098]M. K. Advaita   1402008-05-28
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 43.6395 -97.159833, 448m

Xanthomendoza weberi (S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt) L. Lindblom
970313[1373086]M. K. Advaita   1142008-05-28
United States, South Dakota, Mccook, 43.6395 -97.159833, 448m

Xanthomendoza fallax (Arnold) Søchting, Kärnefelt & S.Y. Kondr.
970312[1373085]M. K. Advaita   1132008-05-28
United States, South Dakota, Mccook, 43.6395 -97.159833, 448m

970402[1373175]M. K. Advaita   66962008-05-20
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 43.6395 -97.159833, 448m

970367[1373140]M. K. Advaita   156852015-05-27
United States, South Dakota, McCook, 43.68806 -97.4079, 445m

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