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Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas
Specimens & Observations
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Bell Museum algae (MIN-Algae)
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Bell Museum amphibians and reptiles (JFBM-Herps)
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Bell Museum birds (MMNH-Birds)
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Bell Museum bryophytes (MIN-Bryophytes)
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Bell Museum fishes (JFBM-Fishes)
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Bell Museum fungi (MIN-Fungi)
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Bell Museum lichens (MIN-Lichens)
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Bell Museum mammals (MMNH-Mammals)
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Bell Museum mollusks (JFBM-Mollusks)
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Bell Museum paleobotany (MIN-Paleobotany)
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Bell Museum plants (MIN-Plants)
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Bell Museum vertebrate paleontology (MMNH-Vertpaleo)
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College of St. Scholastica (CSS)
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University of Minnesota Insect Collection (Entomology-UMSP)
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Olga Lakela Herbarium, University of Minnesota Duluth (DUL)
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University of Minnesota Duluth Insect Collection (UMD-UMDI)
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Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO)
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Bailey Herbarium at College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University (CSBSJU)
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Darlene and William Radichel Herbarium, Minnesota State University Mankato (MANK)
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Elsie Welter Natural History Museum of Concordia College (CONCOL)
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Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM)
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Test Collection (TEST-TEST)
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency fish (MPCA)
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency invertebrates (MPCA)
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency wetland plants (MPCA)
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UMN lake plant surveys (UMN)
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USDA lake plant surveys (USDA)
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Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve Biodiversity Observations (UMN-CCESR)
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Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area Long Term Ecological Research Program (UMN-MSP LTER)
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Minnesota Bee Atlas (UMN EXT)
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University of Minnesota Herbarium acquisitions pending accessioning (UMN-MIN)
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Biodiversity of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mississippi Headwaters Recreation Area Sites (USACE)
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Minnesota Biological Survey aquatic plants (DNR)
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Minnesota Biological Survey vegetation releves (DNR-MBS)
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Plant records from the New Guinea Binatang Research Center (NGBRC)
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Bell Museum algae (MIN-Algae)
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Bell Museum amphibians and reptiles (JFBM-Herps)
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Bell Museum birds (MMNH-Birds)
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Bell Museum bryophytes (MIN-Bryophytes)
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Bell Museum fishes (JFBM-Fishes)
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Bell Museum fungi (MIN-Fungi)
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Bell Museum lichens (MIN-Lichens)
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Bell Museum mammals (MMNH-Mammals)
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Bell Museum mollusks (JFBM-Mollusks)
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Bell Museum paleobotany (MIN-Paleobotany)
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Bell Museum plants (MIN-Plants)
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Bell Museum vertebrate paleontology (MMNH-Vertpaleo)
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College of St. Scholastica (CSS)
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University of Minnesota Insect Collection (Entomology-UMSP)
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Olga Lakela Herbarium, University of Minnesota Duluth (DUL)
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University of Minnesota Duluth Insect Collection (UMD-UMDI)
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Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO)
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Bailey Herbarium at College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University (CSBSJU)
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Darlene and William Radichel Herbarium, Minnesota State University Mankato (MANK)
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Elsie Welter Natural History Museum of Concordia College (CONCOL)
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Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM)
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Test Collection (TEST-TEST)
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency fish (MPCA)
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency invertebrates (MPCA)
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency wetland plants (MPCA)
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UMN lake plant surveys (UMN)
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USDA lake plant surveys (USDA)
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Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve Biodiversity Observations (UMN-CCESR)
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Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area Long Term Ecological Research Program (UMN-MSP LTER)
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Minnesota Bee Atlas (UMN EXT)
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University of Minnesota Herbarium acquisitions pending accessioning (UMN-MIN)
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Biodiversity of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mississippi Headwaters Recreation Area Sites (USACE)
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Minnesota Biological Survey aquatic plants (DNR)
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Minnesota Biological Survey vegetation releves (DNR-MBS)
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Plant records from the New Guinea Binatang Research Center (NGBRC)
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