Description: Cope's gray treefrog closely resembles the gray treefrog (H. versicolor) and can only be distinguished in the field by their call. Large adhesive pads on tips of fingers and toes enable them to climb vegetation. 1 1/4 - 2 inches (3.2-5.1 cm) [in length]. Coloration is normally solid green or mottled gray with bright yellow-orange coloring on inner surface of hind legs. [Sound is] a fast, metallic buzz like trill. (MN DNR, 2022)
Habitat: Breeding habitat: Temporary shallow ponds, flooded fields, river backwaters, lake edges, and roadside ditches. Summer habitat: Associated with a variety of habitats, including urban environments, but often found in grasslands or forest edges. Winter habitat: Terrestrial. (MN DNR, 2022)
Reproduction: Eggs are laid in loose clusters of up to 40 eggs and are attached to vegetation near the surface of the water. The eggs hatch in three to six days, transforming within two months. Sexual maturity is reached within two years. (MN DNR, 2022)
Conservation Status: Cope's gray treefrog have no special status in Minnesota. (MN DNR, 2022)