Description: Painted Turtles are medium-sized oval turtles. The females grow to 10 inches in length while the males only grow to 7 inches long. The Painted Turtle carapace ranges from black to dark olive green. The carapace is smooth and shiny. The plastron varies from red to orange with differing amounts of black patterning. The legs and head of the painted turtle are black with yellow stripes. The appearance is similar to wide pinstripes. (MN DNR, 2022)
Phenology is the study of seasonalchanges in plants and animals, and how those changes relate to climate. Phenology information and historical data are available on theSeasonWatchwebsite (use the "Season Watch" link above).SeasonWatchis a collaboration between Northern Community Radio and the University of Minnesota. Funding from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources.