Description: True to its name, the brown snake is brown with a lighter-colored stripe down its back and a row of small black spots on each side. Only about 9 to 13 inches long, the brown snake is smaller than most Minnesota species. (MN DNR, 2022)
Food: Brown snakes eat insects, snails, slugs, earthworms, tadpoles, and small frogs. (MN DNR, 2022)
Habitat: Brown snakes like to hang out in open areas near water and trees. You can also find them on golf courses and in residential areas often taking cover under a board or rock. They spend their winters hibernating in nooks and crannies in rocks and ant mounds. (MN DNR, 2022)
Reproduction: After mating in spring, brown snakes give birth to 3 to 20 babies, each about 4 inches long. (MN DNR, 2022)
Conservation Status: Brown snakes have no special status in Minnesota. (MN DNR, 2022)